GSoC Final Report
In the previous reports, I’ve talked about different forms of autocompletion supported in the Page Forms Extension and the methods to use them. Now, as the jExcel library is converted to JSpreadsheet library with some new styles and looks, we decided to upgrade the jExcel library used in Page Forms. This was not a big deal; I just needed to change the code of jexcel.js and added new CSS; if you are interested, you can look at this patch.

Having done this, now the last task was to enable autocompletion in
Special: MultiPageEdit. This Special Page is used for editing multiple pages of a particular template with the help of a spreadsheet. This page doesn’t support various sorts of autocompletion; it only supports “cargo field and cargo table”. So, we decided to keep it as it is and add only this autocompletion; this one does not need to be defined anywhere the Page Forms itself defines it from the form definitions. Now, all the tasks for this project were completed, but a huge feature can be added, which was the addition of the Combobox and Tokens inside the spreadsheet interface. I was only able to add Combobox and as it was not a part of the GSoC project but rather was a part of my WikiWorks Internship, we don’t discuss it much. The corresponding patch can be found here
And finally, my GSoC journey comes to an end, and this summer helped me polishing my programming skill a lot, hope you have also found the reports somewhat interesting and got a view about how I completed the project.